Great Day to Have Company
At Dreams of Yesteryear everyday is a great day to have company--especially nice people like the guests I just finished checking in from the Milwaukee area. You meet the nicest people in this business. It turns out they're quite interested in joining us in our wellness business. One of the fun things we do for some extra cash and to help us stay healthy is invite others to join us in our nutritional supplement business. With baby boomers like us looking toward retirement and wanting to maintain our health, the nutritional supplent business really is a great fit. The nutritional company my husband and I formed is called Dreams Wellness since it's an off-shoot of our bed and breakfast. It's part of a parent company called Wellness International Network. If you are interested in purchasing nutritional supplements that you really notice make a difference for you, or would like to get involved in a great business opportunity, let me know. I'd love to tell you all about it.