Spring Planting at Dreams of Yesteryear
I was happily exhausted and sore by the end of yesterday. My day began by organizing all the plants I had bought the day before for the flower urns, planters and gardens surrounding Dreams of Yesteryear. Since our house is a teal blue, I chose red and white as my scheme color this year--as close as I can get to a patriotic theme even with a teal shade of blue. The most exciting part of the planting process was filling all my Smith and Hawkins copper planters I bought this winter as I anticipated spring. The copper ties in with the copper finials and spire on our Queen Anne roof--kind of anchors the place. And, let me say, copper with red and white geraniums, spikes and ivy look great together. I'm pleased--sore but pleased. Oh these aching bones! I'll think I'll do more planting tomorrow. :) Hope you'll come see my fantastic gardens.